The Collective

Small Group Acupuncture and Meditation

Thursdays at 10 AM, starting June 27th

The Collective: Small Group Acupuncture
a transformative experience designed just for you.

Picture this: as you step into my office, you're greeted by peaceful music and a warm cup of tea. Settle into your cozy reclining chair, surrounded by a small group of like-minded individuals, each on their own path to well-being.

Dr. Katy will check in with you, assess your pulse and tongue, place your acupuncture needles, and make sure you're comfortable as you begin to relax into your treatment. As the acupuncture needles do their work, you'll find yourself drifting into a state of deep rest.

Here's where the real magic happens: by tapping into the collective energy of the group, you'll experience an amplified healing effect.

Connecting to the collective energy can enhance your own healing process, creating a supportive and uplifting environment that encourages profound wellness.

And the benefits don't stop there. While everyone enjoys their acupuncture treatment, we'll embark on a guided meditation session, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the profound rest and rejuvenation that follows.

Our group acupuncture sessions will be held every Thursday at 10 AM in Dr. Katy’s office. As The Collective grows, we'll be adding more days and times to accommodate your busy schedule.


  • Intimate Setting

    Number of participants is limited to six.

  • Relaxing Environment

    Tea, eye pillows, and guided group meditation to help you sink into a relaxing and rejuvenating experience.

  • Healing in Community

    Benefit from the amplified energy of the group setting.

Choose your plan



First session 50% off!

Five Sessions


$120 per session

Ten Sessions


$100 per session